Hospitals in Jeju

Hospitals in Jeju

KMI – Korea Medical Institute (JeJu (KMI) Center)

Established in 1985, KMI is a comprehensive health examination institution that pursues safety, cleanliness, kindness, and accurate health checkups.

We provide a different level of health checkup services, and we are also doing our best to support research, education, publicity, and medical volunteer activities for the development of basic medicine and disease prevention in Korea.

KMI's pride and pride, which has written the history of health checkups in Korea by focusing on the comprehensive health checkup business for more than 30 years, will be the driving force of a medical powerhouse that opens up the world and the future.

KMI promises to become a comprehensive health check-up institution loved by the people by ensuring the health of the people and fulfilling its social responsibilities.

KMI Global Health Check-Up Programs

  • Essential - Cost: 350,000 KRW
  • Advanced – Cost: 700,000 KRW
  • Premium - Cost: 1,000,000 KRW
  • VIP – Cost: - 2,000,000 KRW
  • Elder – Cost: 1,300,000 KRW


JeJu Medical Center // 1, 2F., 61, Sol-Orum Road, Seo-Gwi-Po-Shi, JeJu Special Self-Governing Province

Business Number


Business Hours

Registration Period (Hours)

▶ Medical Examination

  • Weekdays: 07:00 ~ 14:00
  • Saturdays: 07:00 ~ 10:00

Wednesdays (in July~Dec.): 07:00 ~ 10:00


2030 Programme designed around the essentials for adult health care (88 items in total)


Basic Inspection

Physical measurement (height, weight, waist circumference, body composition), basic examination (blood pressure, vision, hearing, color vision),
electrocardiogram, Heart rate variability, arteriosclerosis, blood tests (liver, pancreas, kidney, lipid metabolism, diabetes, inflammation, anemia, thyroid,
Tumor markers)
Urinalysis (sugar, protein, blood cells), chest X-ray, abdominal ultrasound (liver, gallbladder, pancreas, Kidney, spleen) (female)
breast X-ray, (female) cervical cancer

Selective Test - Group A (Choice 1)

Gastrointestinal Imaging | Gastroscopy | Pepsinogen | NK Cell | Allergies 107 Species Inspected | Liver fibrosis test






  • Cost of check-up: 

350,000 KRW

  • The cost of the examination can only be paid on-site on the day of the examination.

The above costs are the amount of the global check-up discount.



Other Guidance


Prevalence: Precision screening programs for early diagnosis of high disease and major cancers (105 items in total)


Basic Inspection

Essential basic test items
+ fundus, intraocular pressure, bone density, thyroid ultrasound, carotid ultrasound
(male) prostate ultrasound, (female) cervical cancer

Selective Test - Group A (Choice 1)

Gastrointestinal Imaging | Gastroscopy | Pepsinogen | NK Cell | Allergies 107 Species Inspected | Liver fibrosis test

Selective Test - Group B (Choice 1)

Brain CT | C-Spine CT | L-Spine CT | Lung CT | CT for cardiac calcifications | Abdominal obesity CT





  • Cost of check-up:

700,000 KRW

  • The cost of the examination can only be paid on-site on the day of the examination.

The above costs are the amount of the global check-up discount.


Other Guidance


Midlife: A screening program that can diagnose dangerous diseases in detail for future health care (113 items in total)


Basic Inspection

Advanced Basic Checks

Selective Test - Group A (Choice 1)

Gastrointestinal Imaging | Gastroscopy | Pepsinogen | NK Cell | Allergies 107 Species Inspected | Liver fibrosis test

Selective Test - Group B (Choice 1)

Brain CT | C-Spine CT | L-Spine CT | Lung CT | CT for cardiac calcifications | Abdominal obesity CT

Selective Test - Group C (Choice 1)

Colonoscopy | M2-PK (colorectal cancer Fecal examination) | Alzon (Alzheimer's Risk Test) |
Cardiac-specific package (echocardiography + homocysteine)

Selective Test - Group D (Choice 1)

5 types of genetic eye diseases (macular degeneration, glaucoma, keratoconus, severe dry eye, retinal pigmentosa) |
5 types of genetic dementia (dementia, vascular dementia, manic dementia, migraine, depression) |
Gene cardio-cerebrovascular 5 types (stroke, myocardial infarction, cerebral aneurysm, hypertension, type 2 diabetes) |
(Female) breast ultrasound





  • Cost of check-up: 

1,000,000 KRW

  • The cost of the examination can only be paid on-site on the day of the examination.

The above costs are the amount of the global check-up discount.


Other Guidance


5070: Premium programs to meticulously and precisely check your health after middle age (118 items in total)


Basic Inspection

Premium basic test items
+ cardiovascular blood workup, tumor marker test (prostate cancer, epithelial Ovarian Cancer, Lung Cancer) Echocardiography, (Female)
Breast Ultrasound

Selective Test - Group A (Choice 1)

Gastrointestinal Imaging | Gastroscopy | Pepsinogen | NK Cell | Allergies 107 Species Inspected | Liver fibrosis test

Selective Test - Group B (Choice 1)

Colonoscopy | M2-PK (colorectal cancer Fecal examination) | Alzon (Alzheimer's risk test)

Selective Test - Group C (Choice 1)

Brain CT | C-Spine CT | L-Spine CT | Lung CT | CT for cardiac calcifications | Abdominal obesity CT

Selective Test - Group D (Choice 2)

Brain MRI  |  Brain MRA  |  C-Spine MRI  |  L-spine MRI

Selective Inspection - Group E (Choice 1)

5 types of genetic eye diseases (macular degeneration, glaucoma, keratoconus, severe dry eye, retinal pigmentosa) |

5 types of genetic dementia (dementia, vascular dementia, manic dementia, migraine depression) |

Gene cardio-cerebrovascular 5 types (stroke, myocardial infarction, cerebral aneurysm, hypertension, type 2 diabetes) |

7 types of male cancer (colorectal cancer, prostate cancer, thyroid cancer, pancreatic cancer, bladder cancer, esophageal cancer, dementia) |

7 types of female cancer (colorectal cancer, skin cancer, thyroid cancer, pancreatic cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, dementia)





  • Cost of check-up:

2,000,000 KRW

  • The cost of the examination can only be paid on-site on the day of the examination.

The above costs are the amount of the global check-up discount.



Other Guidance


65 years of age and older to diagnose diseases early and get vaccinated, Specialized programs included (111 items in total)


Basic Inspection

Physical measurement (height, weight, waist circumference, body composition), basic examination (blood pressure, vision, hearing, color vision),
fundus, Intraocular pressure, electrocardiogram, heart rate variability, atherosclerotic
blood test (liver, pancreas, kidney, lipid metabolism, diabetes, inflammation, Anemia, thyroid, tumor markers, bone metabolism)
Urinalysis (sugar, protein, blood cells), Alzon (Alzheimer's disease Risk test), chest X-ray, abdominal ultrasound (liver, gallbladder, pancreas, kidney,
spleen), Thyroid ultrasound, carotid ultrasound, brain MRI, brain MRA
(male) prostate ultrasound, (female) uterine ultrasound, (female) breast X-ray,
(female) cervical cancer

Selective Test - Group A (Choice 1)

Breast ultrasound | Echocardiography

Selective Test - Group B (Choice 1)

Brain CT | C-Spine CT | L-Spine CT | Lung CT | CT for cardiac calcifications | Abdominal obesity CT

Selective Test - Group C (Choice 2)

Herpes zoster vaccination | Pneumonia Vaccination |
5 types of genetic eye diseases (macular degeneration, glaucoma, keratoconus, severe dry eye, retinal pigmentosa) Gene dementia
5 types (dementia, vascular dementia, manic dementia, migraine, depression) |
Gene cardio-cerebrovascular 5 types (stroke, myocardial infarction, cerebral aneurysm, hypertension, type 2 diabetes)





  • Cost of check-up:

1,300,000 KRW

  • The cost of the examination can only be paid on-site on the day of the examination.

The above costs are the amount of the global check-up discount.



Other Guidance

PDF Download

Date of Use

Examination Time / Personnel


Teens / Children

37 months or more and under 12 years of age

Toddlers / Infants (Babies)

Under 36 months